
Martha was falling The rushing wind was all around her. It was deafening, yet she was in a pocket. The island of cliff that sheared off the landscape shielded her from the wind. The gravity lessened as she fell, returning to a relative normal. She saw a darkness growing below the edge, racing towards her

^A jolt of electricity shot through her feet and into her left hand. She crumpled to the ground
Martha Crisp
'Oh that hurt...'
She tried to slow her breathing, and she didn't have time
Martha Crisp
'Okay, I can do this...'

Cliff.gravity = ^...~
^Electricity shot from the earth into Martha's Side
Martha Crisp
Martha didn't know what she was doing wrong Above her, the tiny dot of light winked out A chill crept to her bones. She could only hear the rushing wind in the darkness
Martha Crisp
'Some light would be nice.'
Martha took off her shoe and held it in her hand. She took a breath Bracing for the pain

const orb = {{y},-10ft{z}),
Her shoe transformed in her hand, and she had to squint her eyes The light was a bright blue, and was quickly growing hot She stood up and released it. It floated into place ten feet above and behind her The close wall was illuminated. It was a blur, rushing past her. The far wall was too dark to see from this distance
Martha Crisp
'Okay, that worked, why?'
She realized only a short moment later
Martha Crisp
This wasn't her dream, she could change things about her self, things she owned, but another's dream... She took off her other shoe She took a second to plan, and then...

Self.gravity = - Self.gravity;
Which sent her soaring away from the island of fallen cliff. The tiny ball of light zipped up to match her speed, returning to its original orbit A voice boomed through the cavern, coming from deep below. The cavern was miles across, and she could only see blackness across from her, even with the light... Martha had the sickening thought - the image of something talking through a straw - something so massive as to be impossible to comprehend. And it was happy
"Oh, there you are!"
It rumbled the cliff side reverberating to the top
"I've been looking for you, what are you doing here?"

const bubble_shield = {,
The sock grew, turned translucent, and surrounded her: encasing around her as a bubble She felt prickles of electric static dance along her skin as it passed through her Below Martha, something was rising from the depths faster than she was

self.gravity=self.gravity x 10
Martha Crisp
'You should be able to handle more in a dream, right?'
Ten fold, she could handle that, she didn't know offhand how many G's a human could take What was rising below caught up to her It was a dark goo, a morphing blob shifting into the shapes of humans, each reaching towards her in desperation. But the overall shape was a hand Which slammed into Martha's bubble, smashing it into the cliff face. The shield bubble burrowed up into the rock, spinning wildly before coming to a rest. The little orb of light slowly stopped spinning from inside the perimeter A sudden hunger hit her. A coldness spread, filling her from her stomach She couldn't breath. The bubble and the gravity kept her still.

She could breath again, and after a few sharp breaths... The hand poked the bubble again, wedging it deeper in the cliff face As the rock crunched, Martha felt a burning sensation throughout her body, and the hunger spiked again The hand pulled back. And the orb inside the bubble again settled into a stable orbit Martha was starting to panic beyond rational thought, she was trapped like a rat, hungry and tired A voice boomed from deep below
"I thank you."
As nothing happened after, she waited and slowly calmed, her stomach still doing knots
Martha Crisp
'Thank me, for what?'
Did she dare ask? She considered her situation... If she said nothing
Martha Crisp
"What for?"
The voice grew closer, and then turned into a chorus. It emanated from the shifting human shapes on the slime
"Your little needle, is now my little needle, it is just what I needed, like a gift."
Martha Crisp
'My needle?'
With mounting horror she realized what he meant. She connected that spear to every human heart besides her own
Martha Crisp
'Oh fuck...'
Al-tok tapped on the bubble, sending it deeper in the cave Martha felt that burning sensation and hunger grow. Any expenditure of the shield's energy had to come from somewhere, that somewhere was Martha
"Are you going to come out of there?"
The voices turned over each other, a waterfall of harmonizing rasps
"Or are we going to chase through the solid dream?"
Martha Crisp
"I have a proposition for you..."
She did not, but she just needed a breather to think. The exit was somewhere up there, could she get there, or...
Martha Crisp
'The exit was a mirror, somewhere on the ground above. This is a dream, so...'
She took a breath an hoped she could do this She took hold of her left sock

exit= (person,Dream) => Dream.expunge(person)
Mirror = (Dream) => ({
Martha was relieved when the walls around her started to melt away
"Oh, we're chasing this way..."
All went to black
"See you soon..."
^And then the pain hit

Behind Ada the crowd above descended towards us Jochek picked the lock and opened the door Inside was an empty room, with only the light from the hall emanating in. In the center was a glass case, protecting a single needle lying on a purple velvet pillow
Lenny of the Relux
"Is that it?"
Ada rushed inside
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
"Inside, everyone."
It was cold inside, and there was no light once the door shut Jochek locked the door
Dana Ixari
"Anyone have a light?"
Lenny pulled out a small cellphone, flipping on the flashlight We took a closer look at the needle. It was indeed what we were looking for. In the eye of the needle, as any of us looked closely we saw nothing through it. Just endless nothing behind that tiny hole...
Lenny of the Relux
'Glass case probably has an alarm, if not a trap.'
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
'That thing is a trap enough. Better question: transportation?'
The Relux
'We should not let it touch us, that hole.'
Jochek of the Relux
'Stick it in something, and cover it.'
Jochek was thinking of using a rice crispy treat and a tubber-ware
The Relux
'We are getting hungry.'
It was not just Jochek, we felt, Lenny too.
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
'The gas-mask, stick it in there.'
It was easy to carry, and sticking it on the inside would keep the end away from anything Jochek lifted the glass and alarms sounded
Jochek of the Relux
'Eh, they were coming here already.'
Ada handed Jochek the gas mask
Jochek of the Relux
'This is going to be hard, just holding the side of the needle.'
Jochek picked up the needle and carefully stuck it in the gas mask They touched only the bottom of the needle: giving their hand as much clearance as possible from the eye Lenny had wandered over to the door, next to Dana, who was listening to the outside The crowd had come down stairs and started opening doors. And then there were screams, and a torrent of noise, which grew steadily quieter. The storm of chainsaws buzzed in the distance far away, likely up the stairs at this point. Lenny heard growling right outside the door, but he didn't hear any people...
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
'Next, how are we getting out?'
Jochek of the Relux
"Any idea's on how we are getting back upstairs."
Dana Ixari
"Why back up there?"
Jochek walked to the door
Lenny of the Relux
"To get out."
She had something to say, so we waited
Dana Ixari
"Downstairs here, door 42, it leads outside, down at the bottom of the cliff... I think."
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
'So what, we just have to deal with the thing out there.'
Both Ada and Jochek strained to listen
Jochek of the Relux
'Is it more cat like, or bear like.'
Lenny of the Relux
'It sounds like a gorilla to me.'
Lenny's hearing wasn't the best, but he wasn't wrong...
Jochek of the Relux
'But there is just one thing out there?'
Lenny of the Relux
"Okay, we're going to lure it in here, and switch places with it out there..."
Ada tied the gas mask to her side
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
'And if it is intelligent?'
Lenny of the Relux
'One step at a time.'
Lenny grabbed the handle of the door
Lenny of the Relux
"On my mark."
He shouted and Ada opened the door In the hallway stood a chimera, of a gorilla, bear, cat, and goat. A horned feline head, the body of a gorilla and the limbs of a bear. It stood at the ready, in a martial pose facing them No one moved. As time stretched on the creature lowered its arms Slowly, relaxing...
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
'Try talking to it...'
Lenny pointed with his fingers to the door We gesticulated in such a way to indicate our desire to pass The creature sniffed at and carefully inspected us. It then moved to the corner and sat down, watching us
Lenny of the Relux
"I think we can go."
Lenny was the one to see the gore and the blood painting the cellar walls
Lenny of the Relux
'And I am pretty sure it is intelligent.'
Lenny kept between the rest of us and the creature
Lenny of the Relux
"No sudden movements..."
It was watching us, poised to attack, but staying still in the corner
The Relux
'Well it is not mauling us, so that is a start.'
Jochek kept her eyes straight on the lock, she was never one for the sight of blood
Ada Lovelace of the Relux
'Was this the chainsaws or this creature?'
Lenny of the Relux
'Maybe a little of colum A, some of B.'
Jochek went to work on the lock for door 42 Above us we heard the sound of chainsaws fade in and out as they raced around the rooms above us
Jochek of the Relux
"Got it."
The door lock clicked and Jochek pulled it open The door led to a spiral staircase leading downwards Behind them the creature stirred Standing on it's hind legs it was approaching us It turned its head to the stairs, then to the open door
Lenny of the Relux
'I think it wants out.'
We considered
Jochek of the Relux
'If it can keep its distance.'
We kept the creature at a safe distance during the decent. Until eventually we reached the door at the bottom. The other end was camouflaged into the cliff face. And in front of us, the Romanian forest, the night sky covered in storm clouds before their eruption The creature behind us darted forward It paused briefly, turning back to wave with one paw, before disappearing into the forest We marched on, Dana followed Ada kept watch on her, as Dana helped Lenny walk. We were optimistic, Ada though... She worried. She remembered what happened to the Nerium...
Dana Ixari
"And it's beginning to snow."
The snow fell It clung to them, chilling them. And while Lenny and Jochek in the bodies of locals were dressed for this weather, Ada was not. Her formal gown giving no protection to the cold. Dana was in the same situation. They had a trek to town ahead of them

desperate resort