The Plan

Uri discarded his teacup on the table
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"Uri saw the security feed, as it was happening."
Felix Danabrus
Felix leaned back, mostly satisfied with his query
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"It's why Uri ran up to the mountains. If the link were safe -"
Martha Crisp
"Wait, why is the link dangerous?"
"Before it was outside the link, our collective unconscious."
Flanagan stood up, and walked to the window
Martha Crisp
'Wait... The elevator went down, and we were below ground in the garage.'
Martha looked closer at the window
"Before it needed us to execute namshubs."
There was light across his face
"Now it can run its own..."
Rossin was pacing back and forth
Felix Danabrus
"So any plan Flanagan?"
Eyes turn toward him sitting across the parlor. He looked each of them over in turn, his gaze landed on Felix
"Out: take a flight back to Fiji, we will be fine without you."
Felix Danabrus
"What comes next isn't for your ears."
Martha looked around the room
'Martha - I hate to do this so often... but can we switch?'
She flipped that switch She was almost getting used to the sensation Rossin dusted off himself in her body From her new vantage point - she noticed everyone was looking at Uri or Flanagan
"I would have a better solution."
Uri huffed
" What do you have in mind."
Martha in the shadowy realm walked to the windows It was just a bright light, she could tell there was space out there, but could make nothing out She looked out the window It was void - filled with bright light. In the distance she saw shadows - the same shadows behind her
Martha Crisp
'Hey - can you walk over here: when you get the chance.'
Rossin, in her body, nodded at her
"Do you want to stay here Felix, and help us?"
Felix looked around He met each of their eyes Felix nodded
"Then be ready to listen."
Felix narrowed his eyes

WITH hooks(
    a:=set( Self.temp_memory, M.New)
    b:=set( M.New, ()=>serenity |> Self.NULL)
    add.([a,b]).release_on("Felix is a potato.", ()=>{
        a:=set(M.New, Self.temp_memory)
Felix fell back on the sofa He was wearing an expression of surprise. His expression soured somewhat, it was both constantly astonished. And serene to that astoundment
"He isn't forming new memories right now, it's like being asleep: but still conscious."
Martha Crisp
'So wait... that is like him constantly experience a bigger and bigger time gap?'
Rossin moved her hand noncommittally
"More or less - he feels perfectly serene."
"Clever. If the link is not safe... neither would our sleep be."
"Our dreams?"
"Are what make up the link."
'Rossin, come over here'
Martha was still standing by the window Rossin got up, and moved to her Martha heard Flanagan behind Rossin. But he became faded into shadow as Rossin, in her body, turned away from him
"You sure he's under control."
Ozmind stiffened
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"Yeah - he's not thinking right now. Let me just..."
Rossin and Martha looked out the window It was a hollow void of light - with no clear boundary on any horizon. Emanating a blanket's security, and comfortable warmth Flanagan nodded
"And her?"
His gaze fell to Rossin's Back And though Rossin had her body turned away from him: Flanagan became more solid. His outline sharpened and he became brighter. As if by his attention focused on them - made him more real Her head nodded of Rossin's accord
"She's fine to hear - quick study too."
Flanagan nodded and moved to the couch again
Martha Crisp
'Ask him if he has dealt with anything like this?'
And Rossin repeated
"Shadows of shadows... Long ago..."
Flanagan paused
"If it was contained, we could send it back, but since it's in the link now..."
Ozmind's voice cut in
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"It hasn't shown any signs of slowing it's growth."
Martha Crisp
'So: how long do we have?'
Rossin looked at her, then back to Ozmind
"How long until it is everywhere in the link?"
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"Somewhere between days, not weeks... I really couldn't say."
"We're in a bit of a pickle then, if the Relux..."
"What about us?"
"Is miss Lovelace still in Șolomanță?"
"She is heading back to us now, as requested."
"Give her a call."
"We don't call Scholomance -"
"We need to tell her to wait."
Lenny and Jochek exchanged a look
"We're meeting her there, make the call."
Lenny pulled out a cell phone and stepped into the other room to make the call Felix's continued gasping of surprised serenity counterpointed the cellphone's ring
"Most of the people who would take advantage of that open line would be dead now, or otherwise now in disorder."
Jochek shrugged
"What's the plan?"
Rossin turned away from the window The dog was laying in the light, basking in it's warmth. Unconcerned for it's origin
"3 parts... First we have to think of this as a viral infection."
Flanagan stood up and paced the room
"Ozmind, do you know Alice's formula?"
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"I don't... Uri might: but I don't think so. I might be able to find it at her lab... But she... It might still be there."
"Go and find it, if you find them - report back instead. You'll take Felix."
Flanagan sighed
"The separated Relux will join the third and steal The way out."
Martha Crisp
'The way out?'
Rossin raised his hand in a wait and listen sort of way
"Ozmind and Felix will search for the physical presence. The Relux will bring the thing to exorcise the physical presence. In the mean time we can't save the people injected..."
"What about the link - do you have an answer for that?"
"One step at a time."
There was a pause
"I have ideas - but none of them are a sure thing."
"What's your best one?"
"Best how?"
Flanagan had a toothy grin
"Highest chance of success or highest chance of survival?"
Flanagan sipped his tea
"Containment, reduction, expulsion... Containment would be hard: it is intelligent, it would spread itself out, as much as it could."
Lenny walked back in and sat down
"If we gathered them in one place."
"Then we could use something like a bomb - blow it to pieces all at once."
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"Why would it gather?"
"Consider it hasn't attacked us all directly through the link yet, what exactly is it planning?"
Eyes fell on Flanagan
"It doesn't seem that interested in the general population, however 2/3rds..."
"It's targeting the Awakened: because we can fight back?"
"You say this serum is required for the host to survive?"
Ozmind, in Uri's body nodded
"It took about 2 weeks from this thing's arrival until it took two thirds of us. I assume its focused on spreading as fast as it can. So that gives us some estimate..."
"First the Awakened, then the population."
"That would be likely... It gets worse... By removing 2/3rds of the Awakened..."
Flanagan rubbed his face
"I think I know what it's next steps are."
Flanagan looked at Rossin in Martha's body
"And how to counter it."
Flanagan sipped more tea
"She is new?"
Martha Crisp
'What is going on?'
"New and empty?"
"Yes, We also have Uri over here we can hollow out."
"We'll need both."
Martha Crisp
'Rossin, what is happening?'
Instincts of predators hiding in the brush She flipped the switch
Martha Crisp
"Need me for what?"
"For your inexperience, my dear, and your previous lack of novelty."
Martha Crisp
Martha was pretty sure that was a subtle diss
Martha Crisp
"I was a boring person you mean?"
"Ready to be soaked up - full of Algera."
Martha Crisp
"What exactly is Algera?"
"Not until the dump."
Martha tilted her head
"The info dump."
'Is he fucking with me?'
Rossin shook his head
Martha Crisp
"Okay - so you need me to learn a bunch of things: and that will help us... How?"
"So it won't be new anymore."
Martha Crisp
'He is fucking with me?'
Martha Crisp
"I'm a bit lost."
"That's the point of it, my dear - don't worry, it won't kill you... Probably."
Flanagan addressed the whole room
"Fly quickly - return here. Rossin: wake Felix."
"Why couldn't Felix be awake for this?"
'Most people should not know about The way out. Most people: most awakened*... Also would you mind telling Felix that he is a potato so he wakes up?'
She repeated the words and Felix's ability to make memories was restored He inhaled and then yelped
Felix Danabrus
"You all moved - I."
Felix patted himself down
Felix Danabrus
"Why am I sweating? ...What did you do?"
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"Come on, We are doing some recon."
Felix Danabrus
"Recon, what's going on?"
Ozmind Yammin in Uri Maca
"Walk and talk: c'mon."
"Follow Flanagan then?"
"Aye, keep close"
Martha waited patiently, when Flanagan didn't say anything...
Martha Crisp
"Where do we go?"
He noticed her then, suddenly responsive
"Downward, into the library."
Flanagan pointed with the cane we was leaning on He pointed to a small door to the right, besides a fireplace. It lead to a spiral stairwell And they descended, Flanagan trailing behind

Kent watched the syringes brought to the center of the room
Alice Glass of the Tok
"We have only this much made today."
Robert Glass of the Tok
"Getting production up to scale takes some time."
In the corner the man with the shaven head watched. Kent kept him in the corner of his eye. As he watched the circle of people he realized something
Kent Barbado
'I am at the right hand side...'
Despite its circular nature Kent sensed the head of this gathering
Kent Barbado
'From the entrances and exits, seats watching everything creating a power imbalance.'
And kent watched that man in the corner. That man was scanning the room, interested in the others more than kent
Kent Barbado
'Okay: probably should not stay in the cult circle room.'
Robert Glass of the Tok
"Real power: chemically accessed."
Kent Barbado
'Even if you get a hold of that syringe...'
Ozmind Yammin of the Tok
"Take it - and you will have unlimited power."
Kent Barbado
'Even if there is a good escape...'
Robert Glass of the Tok
"Power of your dreams and beyond."
Kent Barbado
'Just get out of here quietly.'
Alice Glass of the Tok
"We only have three today."
The small group of about 20 wondered only shortly how they would be rationed
Robert Glass of the Tok
"Everyone's going to get one - so lottery doesn't make sense. We'll start to my right."
Kent clenched his stomach
Kent Barbado
'Okay: you have permission to run.'
Kent considered the fact he was immune, and no one out on the street was
Kent Barbado
'Especially if you can grab that syringe...'
Kent realized how still he was being, then he saw everyone's eyes on him
Kent Barbado
'They are looking at you, deer caught in the headlights: say something!'
Kent reached out his hand
Kent Barbado
"I'll do the honors."
Kent rolled his neck
Kent Barbado
"Arm, neck, or anywhere?"
Alice handed him a syringe. He passed it down to his left
Kent Barbado
'Stall tactic - keep going...'
Alice handed him another. And then the third once he passed that down The second person sitting to his left held the syringe inspecting it The man to his left stabbed it into his own upper thigh. The second man to his left bolted upright, and then scrambled out one entrance The entrance opposite to the way Kent entered Kent did the same, running towards the way he came in Kent heard words that weren't words and then a loud thud. He didn't look back: He wasn't going to waste such as opportune distraction He ran down the hallway to the exit It wasn't until he made it to front door that he heard scrambling from inside. He made it to the corner of the alley of the street before the metal door open behind him He turned to look as he rounded the corder At the hallway entrance was that woman in the red cardigan. He knew she saw him make a right
Kent Barbado
'Okay, relax... Think, lots of breathing: but think...'
He kept running with the sun in his eyes
Kent Barbado
'False trail it is.'
He undid his jacket, and his empty gun holster. He rounded a corner and took them off He took a moment to catch his breath He dropped the empty jacket down in the corner. He balled the holster in his fists He couldn't keep wearing it without the jacket. It overflowed in his hands
Kent Barbado
'Okay, timing and finesse: you got this, Kent.'
He waited for her to round the corner He faced away from where she would round the corner He heard her running steps approached Kent started to Walk backwards
Kent Barbado
'Just fooling one set of eyes, keep focused...'
He had his back to her He pretended to wave at someone. Alice passed him, slowing her run He watched her scan the crowd He continued his backward walk. Kent tossed the gun-strap on the other side of the corner, father down this time He was trying to make a trail for her to follow
Kent Barbado
'Second toss... Was that too on the nose?'
Still, he knew he couldn't keep it He then continued crossing the street, towards central park He saw her spot the jacket
Kent Barbado
'Just get to the park...'
He turned around and faced the park He couldn't see her, but neither could she see his face. He was halfway though the street before he heard a muttering A horn honked to his left, as pedestrians crossed into a green light And yet: he still heard her quite voice
Kent Barbado
'Okay, what is she doing?'
Kent watched everyone - and was almost prepared for the sudden stop He stopped, joining everyone else in a silence He forced his breath to be as regular as he could muster
Kent Barbado
'Red-light green-light bullshit...'
He felt her gaze fall over him, and slip away. When nothing was moving but one thing - it was much easier to hear
Kent Barbado
'Those words again...'
No sooner had he registered them he realized everyone was turning toward her. He did likewise He stared at her stone faced
Kent Barbado
'How do you stay calm, like this kent? You clench your toes, you think of your stubby toes to distract you. Right, Kent, think of the toes...'
He had the syringe palmed in his hand still. She scanned the crowd and her gaze never halted on him
Kent Barbado
'I know she saw me... She does not recognize me.'
She wandered in a wide arc She spotted the holster on the other side of the corner She scanned everyone one more time before settling to follow his trail He watched from across the street. When she everyone around him, including the cars came back to life. He did the same
Kent Barbado
'They just let me go, with this syringe?'
He was cupping it so he wouldn't stab himself accidentally. But he'd just as soon rather not have it Kent walked to and sat down on a bench
Felix Danabrus
"So was it her or wasn't it?"
Uri Maca
"It felt like her."
Kent watched two men hurriedly run toward the intersection he was at
Kent Barbado
'That fucker, Felix.'
Kent was tired, the adrenaline masked it: but now that he felt a little relieve
Kent Barbado
'I am just not going to sleep again, am I? Never going to catch a break.'
He got up and walked a short distance behind them Close enough to hear
Uri Maca
"Her lab is across the city."
Felix Danabrus
"Undernet is right here, that's where they're at, Ozmind."
Kent Barbado
'Are they going to meet?'
Felix Danabrus
"We should head to the lab if it's empty."
Uri Maca
"Empty of Alice, maybe more, but by now, we can't be sure."
They walked toward the alley he came out of Kent stopped at the entrance for the alley and looked in Felix was leaned against the wall, and the other one was opening the door Kent ducked between two parked cars He had a good view The door opened and that shaven man was in the hallway Kent could hear words that weren't words The man at the door crumpled Kent wavered if he should help The shaven man stepped out into the light. Felix swung a pipe into the man's head A few more pipes behind Felix scattered to the ground The man staggered and fell An ichor poured out of the wound. Not blood: but something richer - thicker. A color that was unnatural. It was both black, and every color - or more a color that didn't exist. A chemistry that didn't exist It sizzled in the afternoon sun It was on the concrete - and parts sprayed into the man that opened the door It sizzled on Uri's face Both Uri and the shaven head man were motionless on the ground Felix stumbled forward out to the mouth of the alley Kent's vision was blocked by a red cardigan Kent looked up. Alice strolled toward Felix Kent heard words - that were not words Felix stumbled to the ground Kent held the syringe in his hand considering what to do
Kent Barbado
'He was a bastard...'
Kent put the syringe down
Kent Barbado
'But that...'
And there was a sudden moment of clarity He looked down at the syringe
Kent Barbado
'This stuff, that ooze, the dead...'
He couldn't finish the thought
Kent Barbado
'All connected...'
He knew now he would see the same impossible color ichor from her. Felix was still on the ground, unmoving
Kent Barbado
'Is he dead?'
Felix gasped
Kent Barbado
'Alright, here comes the cavalry, ass-hat!'
Kent dropped the syringe in the crook of the sidewalk and street
Kent Barbado
'If I arrested her...'
He picked up a small two by four
Kent Barbado
'No one would believe me, and she would make them not believe me...'
He did not like what he knew he must do
Kent Barbado
'You could run...'
As Kent crept closer he looked between her and the black ichor It was still sizzling, he didn't think it would stop
Alice Glass of the Tok
"I wouldn't speak if I were you."
She looked to the left Down at the bodies Kent glided to the right Closing the distance He swung. She dodged and spun Her face was scrunched into a snarl of curiosity
Alice Glass of the Tok
"Why can't I feel you?"
He swung again. She moved up to him Nearly hugging him She curled into his throw and twisted the board out of his hand. She also tripped him. Kent panicked and flailed wildly He felt fabric and tried to take her down with him. He did not
Alice Glass of the Tok
"I can hear you, but..."
Kent saw Felix on his feet
Kent Barbado
'The hell is he doing with his mouth?'
Kent watched Felix some more while pretending to be more stunned than he was
Kent Barbado
'Oh, he wants me to make loud noises?'
Alice Glass of the Tok
"Why don't I SEE you..."
Kent Barbado
'Keep her attention?'
She tilted her head at his singing
Kent Barbado
She leaned over him
Kent Barbado
Alice Glass of the Tok
"Those aren't the words..."
Kent Barbado
Kent heard the sudden wack against her head and flinched Alice fell to his left, he rolled to his right A round older man stopped his shopping cart full of junk at the mouth to the alley He was rummaging around the ground Kent looked himself over, making sure there was no contamination The man hobbled forward a bit Kent was reminded of a penguin
Kent Barbado
'Cart must be for balance.'
Homeless Man
"What you guys doing in here? I can audition if ya'll - oh my lord - somebody call the police!"
He backed away, and pushed his cart
Kent Barbado
"I am the police."
He did not stop, instead he called out
Homeless Man
"Lord: somebody call the gangs, the police are here."
There was a moment of silence
Kent Barbado
'Call the... Is he high? Keep focused, Kent.'
Kent looked back at the metal door
Kent Barbado
"There's more of them inside."
Felix started running out the alley. Kent followed
Kent Barbado
"Hey, I got some questions for you."
Felix turned and mimed to his mouth. Then he ran down the alley
Kent Barbado
'Fucking convenient - mute now are you?'
Kent chased after
